• Adaptación del Museo Zabaleta

About This Project

Upgrading of the Zabaleta Museum to house the Miguel Hernández Legacy


The intervention consisted of refitting an existing area, in disuse, in the existing Zabaleta Museum.

The action area is the garage and parking level, which has a very limited use and which is refurbished for the new area of approximately 500 m2, leaving the rest for the actual garage use.
The choice of distribution and materials was closely related in the project stage to the guidelines furnished by the company in charge of the museography, which were properly documented in the life of the poet from Orihuela.
This relationship between the designer and the museography company was also transferred in the execution phase to our company, wherein we established an appropriate coordination, this being a determining and successful factor for the magnificent execution of said project.

The space was divided into different rooms, through which a journey through the life and times of the poet is made, from his origins as a shepherd, his sojourns in Madrid and in the province of Jaén, where he meets his wife Josefina Manresa, whereby this legacy is brought to his native municipality and his darkest hour in gaol.
The surroundings of said museum were not altered from a structural point of view, given that everything is integrated in an existing building, however, a number of upgrades in the main façade to integrate the spirit of the poet’s work was carried out. In particular, path lengths are carried out through landscaped gaps in said walls, introducing in their interior a number of steel die stamps cut from snippets of the author for which this museum is created.
In the building’s interior, it is worth mentioning the creation of a new concrete portico as a means of access to the new area, in which a perimeter glass wall is surrounded, giving this a clean oxygenated air to the entire ex ante museum foyer. The entire intervention is surrounded in the wake of the poet of Orihuela.
The choice of specific materials according to the use of the area and the specific elements to be executed in said project, has been one of the many challenges to be overcome by the company, which already consists of a number of singular interventions, making this a versatile company in all areas of intervention.



Upgrading of the Zabaleta Museum to house the Miguel Hernández Legacy


Quesada (Jaén)


Diputación Provincial de Jaén


Esperanza Romero Ramírez.